404 Teeth has had a little bit of a set back, I took a tumble from my horse and broke my elbow which has effectively put me out of work for 8 weeks. I'm just getting back on the horse (literally and figuratively) but I've been doing some browsing and scouting around for publications, advertising etc. The internet is a wonderful thing and as such I've decided I should use it more to get my name out.
So with that in mind I set 404 Teeth up with a Facebook Page! I'm still working out how to use the page effectively, so bear with me guys. If you have a facebook account, do hit "like" and become a fan of my little enterprise. If you don't have a facebook account well... how will people throw virtual sheep at you? /facebook joke.
If you've liked it, please share it with your friends and get them to like it too, the further the news spreads the better and you'll be saving me money in advertising which ultimately will mean I'll charge less. So really, it's in your own best interest (and that of your horse)!
Now to figure out how to add a facebook link to this here blog... wish me luck and see you soon. Hopefully with an actual blog update again. =)